Tuesday, December 23, 2008


B100 Biodiel - also referred to as "Neat Biodiesel" is a renewable fuel for diesel engines and turbines that is made from natural oils (either virgin oil or recycled/waste vegetable oil).
B100 Biodiesel can be used in its' pure, 100% Biodiesel (B100 Biodiesel) form or mixed at any concentration with petroleum diesel for us in existing diesel engines or turbines with little or no modification.

B100 Biodiesel has the following benefits:
• Biodiesel is very easy to use. B100 Biodiesel can be blended with petrleum-diesel at any time in your fuel tank. In post-1994 vehicles no conversion of the vehicle is required. Older ones may have rubber fuel lines and/or seals in the fuel system. B100 Biodiesel will gradually swell rubber and degrade it. Viton is resistant to B100 Biodiesel and you may need to replace your fuel lines/seals with it.
• B100 bodies has up to 95% fewer emissions. Green GreenhouseGEmissions, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and carcinogens are all greatly reduced.
• B100 Biodiesel is both renewable and sustainable as it is made from vegetable oil, animal fats (i.e. poultry fat or beef tallow) virgin vegetable oils or recycled/waste vegetable oils.
• B100 is non-hazardous and is less toxic than sugar! There are no governmental requirements or regulations to call out HAZMAT should there be a spill of B100 Biodiesel.
• Regarding the sustainability of B100 Biodiesel - in a recent cradle-to-grave life-cycle analysis, B100 Biodiesel came out very positive in a "Net Energy Balance study. One study found that B100 Biodieselyields 3.2 units of fuel-product energy "output" for every unit of fossil energy consumed ("input") in its life cycle. The only biofuel that exceeds the Net Energy Balance of B100 Biodiesel at 3.2 to1 is Biomethane, which comes in at 7.7 to 1 in a Net Energy balance analysis

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