Monday, December 22, 2008


Aids is an infectious disease spread by a virus. It is called syndrome because it consists of several signs and symptoms .The first case of AIDS were diagnosed in 1981. Since then there has been a rapid spread of the disease in North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Cases are being reported from around the world, and most countries now have people with AIDS, or infected with the virus.

The First case of AIDS in India was diagnosed in Madras in 1986.Today in India there are about twenty thousand HIV positive cases and 4000 full blown AIDS patients.In Tamilnadu there are about 75000 cases of HIV positive carriers and about 500 full blown AIDS cases.
WHAT IS HIV? HIV is a retrovirus, a group of virus that is still largely unknown. The virus enters the T-helper cells of the immune system. In the cells it destroys genetic material, and the damage is permanent. All body fluids contain T-helper cells.The concentration is high in BLOOD, SEMEN and VAGINAL SECRETION. WHO IS A CARRIER? Anybody who has the virus is a carrier and can infect others.Very Often the person does not know that she/he is a carrier. She/He has no symptoms of disease and the person who infected her/him may have had no symptoms, either.

A person can be a carrier unknowingly for many years before the virus had destroyed so much of the immune system that she/he falls ill and dies quickly.Some months after the infection, the body has produced antibiotics to the virus. These can be detected by a special test. HOW DOES THE VIRUS SPREAD? AIDS is spread when blood, semen or vaginal secretion of an infected person come in contact with the blood or mucous membranes of a healthy person.
The virus has been found in breast - milk in very low concentrations. It is not clear, if it is sufficient to transmit the infection.Many women do not know if they are infected or not.Since risks of bottle feeding are well known, while the risks of breast feeding by an infected mother has not been sufficiently established.

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