Tuesday, December 23, 2008


water resources are divisible into two distinct categories : the surface-water resources & the ground-water resources. Each of these categories is a part of the earth's water circulatory system,called the hydrologic cycle, & is ultimately derived from precipitation,which is rainfall plus snow. They are interdependent & frequently the loss of one is the gain of the other. The brief description of the run-off cycle,which is a part of the hydrologic cycle,will help us to understand the origin & the interdependence of these two categories of water resources.
The precipitation that falls upon land & is the ultimate source for both the categories of water resources is dispersed in several ways. A sizeable portion is intercepted by the vegetal cover or temporarily detained in surface depressions.Most of it is later lost through evaporation. When the available interception or the depression storage are completely exhausted & when the rainfall intensity at the soil surface exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soils, the overland flow begins.Once the overland flow reaches a stream channel, it is called surface run-off, which together with other components of flow, forms the total run-off.
Part of the water that infiltrates into the surface soil may continue to move laterally at shallow depth as interflow owing to the presence of relatively impervious lenses just below the soil surface & may eventually reach the stream channel when it is called the sub-surface runoff. A part of the sub-surface run-off may enter the stream promptly, whereas the remaining part may take a long time before joining the stream flow.
A second part of the precipitation which infiltrates is lost through evapo-transpiration via plant roots & thermal gradients just below the soil surface. A third part may remain above the water table in the zone of unsaturated flow.A fourth remaining part percolates deeply into the ground-water.Part of this ground-water may eventually reach the stream channel & become the base flow of the stream. This portion is termed ground-water run-off or ground-water flow.
Apart from infiltrated rain-water, the seepage from canals,ponds,tanks,lakes,irrigated fields,etc.is also dispersed & accounted for in the same manner.
The total run-off in the stream channel includes the snow-melt, the surface run-off the sub-surface run-off, the ground-water run-off & the channel precipitation, i.e. the precipitation falling directly on the water surface of streams,lakes,etc. It constitutes what is known as the surface-water resources. The portion of the precipitation which, after infiltration,reaches the ground-water-table, together with the contribution made to ground water from a neighbouring basin, influent rivers,natural lakes,ponds,artificial storage reservoirs,canals,irrigation,& constitutes the ground-water resources.That quantity of water in the ground-water reservoir, which is not annually replenishable, is not taken into account, as it is a sort of dead storage which cannot be used on a continuing basis from year to year.

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