Monday, December 22, 2008


NATURAL NUTRITION is primarily about promoting health through low-fat diets rich in whole, natural foods, but it also encourages regular exercise, adequate rest, using natural complementary healthcare, reducing environmental hazards where possible, and developing spiritually. Health is, without hope of argument, wholistic. It involves all tangible and intangible parts of the human being. The prime purpose of this site is to note that what we eat and fail to eat is absolutely, undeniably one of the central factors in establishing, improving, or maintaining excellent, feel-great, live-long health.
This author believes that all bodies need a low-fat plant-based diet comprised of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and pure water. Lean meats and dairy products are optional. You can still choose to consume animal products as part of a plant-based diet, so long as plants comprise the foundation of your meals. Vegetarianism is encouraged, but by no means dogmatically essential. For my own life, the jury is still out concerning the supremacy of veganism, though I'm beginning to lean that direction--but again, I'm not pushing veganism as the only way to live. Definitely, prepackaged, processed, refined, manufactured (fake), artificially flavored and/or colored, preservative-soaked, chemically-treated, irradiated, or chemically engineered foods are strongly discouraged. Buying organic is expensive, but advantageous. Supplementation with high-quality, food-based, vegetarian supplements is also advised.
As far as I am concerned, ratios of carbohydrates to fat to protein are debatable, and I don't think there is a ratio "law" which applies successfully to all bodies. However, I will say that the Standard Western Diet is generally too high in fat and protein. The high protein/low carbohydrate diets that are popular today are dangerous as they encourage even higher levels of protein (most of which is consumed in the form of animal products) and very low levels of carbohydrates. God designed our bodies to run on primarily clean-burning complex carbohydrates. High fat, high protein eating styles displace needed carbohydrates, plus the excess fat and protein is in itself destructive. Please, please research the matter carefully before subjecting your body to a low-carb diet.
There is so much arguing back and forth between different camps over which eating regime is "right" or "best." Each eating style seems to have vehement critics as well as people who have experienced dramatic results from eating that particular way. I have a hard time believing that anyone can claim to feel terrific and be eating all wrong. Me, I do not follow anyone's plan in particular, but rather over time have developed my own tailor-made plan, incorporating those concepts which have appealed to me both intellectually and preferentially. Living life, studying the Bible, and researching health topics has birthed convictions in me that have fueled my past health changes and current objectives. The result: I feel better now than at any other time in my life that I can remember. However, I will continue to fine-tune my lifestyle for as long as I am living on this earth.

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