Monday, December 22, 2008


Agriculture is the back bone of India economy, and agricultural development is central to all strategies for planned development. Progress in agriculture provided the relief in the form of the country being able to meet its minimum needs for agricultural commodities. The challenges faced by agriculture sector can be met only by making the farmers, their incomes & welfare as the main focus of planning. Moreover there is need to support infrastructural development by the stare and build as economic climate for farmers investments. The extension functionaries have played major role in the development of agriculture. It is the main agency who keeps friendly relation with in farming community.
In order to safeguard the interest of farmer community, it is essential to have coordination between the farmer and the department in implementing. So many schemes are made for the benefit of farming community.The total Geographical area of the state is 50.33 Lakh hectares out of which 42.04 Lakh hextares is under cultivation. The Agriculture in state is highly intensive in terms of land, capital, energy, nutrients, agriculture inputs and water etc. with only 1.5% of geographical area of the country, Punjab has produced about 23% of wheat, 10% of Rice and 10% of Cotton of the total produce of these crops in the country during 1999-2000.
The food grains contribution to the Central Pool is about 50 to 70% in case of Wheat & Rice 40 to 50 %. The area under cultivation is about 84% and the cropping intensity is 186%. Moreover, the fertilizer consumption is 168 Kg. per hac. S compared to 88 kg.per hac. at the National Level. Imparting training to the farmers about latest technology developed by research institutes for the production of different crops.
Monitoring the supply and quality of Agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Irrigation water and machinery and equipments etc. Monitoring the soil health, quality of water and health of crops in the field.To minimize the use of pesticides and to control the environmental pollution with adoption of integrated pest management. Diversification of areas from traditional crops to oilseeds crops, sugarcane etc. To popularize the use of Bio-fertilizers. Implementation of beneficiary oriented schemes for economics upliftment of farming community

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