Monday, December 22, 2008


The conventional resources of energy such as fuel oil, gas and coal are finite and the already depleting very rapidly, Being our country an agricultural one and more than 70 % of the Indian Population living in the villages, about 80% of their energy need is for domestic purpose (i.e. for cooking, lighting, water pumping etc. ) is fulfilled by non commercial sources of energy like cow dung, firewood, agricultural waste etc.
The BIOMASS / ORGANI WASTE generated in our country ( villages sei urban & urban areas ) consists of following types : Bio-mass-Crop residues / Waste ,Agricultural waste ,Animal Dung Organic
Waste-Agro – food processing industries, Pulp & paper , Edible & non edible oil exploring units waste ,Sugar/ Distilleries Industrial wastees , Municipal waste , Industrial waste
The above wide range of industrial, urban & agricultural & crop residues and animal dung etc waste which organic waste by nature is proved to be the best and effective source of energy generation. The energy produced from such Bio-mass or organic waste is well known as BIO-ENERGY.
Biomass gasification is basically conversion of solid Biomass (Wood, agriculture residues etc.) in to a combustible gas mixture normally called “Producer Gas” (or low Btu gas). The process involves partial combustion of Biomass. Partial combustion is carried out in absence of air or less air than the stroichiometric requirement of air for complete combustion. Partial combustion produces Carbon Monoxide (CO) as well as hydrogen (H2) which are both combustible gas. Solid Biomass fuels, which are usually inconvenient and have low efficiency of utilization can thus be converted in to a high quality gaseous fuel with associated convenience etc

. Detailed note on Biomass Assessment Studies Schemes under National Programme on taluka level Biomass Based Power Projects. MNES has launched programme of Biomass Assessment Studies in order to explore the efficient utilisation of various biomass materials for energy purposes. The programme has been designed to promote decentralised generation and utilisation of electrical energy by using surplus biomass materials available having no other productive uses/potential.

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